I'm sitting in Philadelphia International Airport.
For those of you who know Philly airport - or at least the area where you come into the terminal after arriving from overseas and after the immigration and customs and picking up your luggage; you come out in an open lobby area where - right in front - there's a coffee stand, EURO CAFE, along with HUDSON NEWS.
Like many people I stopped at Euro Cafe today - to ask the local time - and learned that scores of people turn to the Euro Cafe stand - mainly because it's centrally located & the first thing you see when you come out of captivity - asking the Euro Cafe/Hudson News STAFF (not airport staff) all kinds of questions having zilch to do with coffee or the price of the Phila. Daily News.
Much of this international human burden has been falling on a nice young man named Marcos who works at Euro Cafe. I was there as several people came up - 2 Italians who didn't speak English followed in rapid succession by a European lady who did - all asking "how do we get out of the airport?" (you have to go down another level, which isn't very clear).
I helped Marcos help them out, and not an airport employee in sight.
Hello, Phila. Airport management... anyone home?! If so, you need a desk with human beings instead of just a big sign reading "Airport Information". You could also put a nice big clock on that beautiful tiled wall in front of the exit coming from the baggage carousels - for the hundreds of dis-oriented arrivals - like me - coming in from overseas who need to know what time it is right now in Philly.
PHILLY AIRPORT... Y'ALL KNOW that people are going over to Euro Cafe asking for info the airport should be giving. Either fix it or PAY Euro Cafe staff for doing it for you!!