We're back from the wilds of day-to-day reality! And today we're blogging from a handheld device. Chatted with 'techie guru' Jason, who also blogs. He had us both cracking up laughing as simultaneously we realised there's so much absurdity now going on daily that for some of us it's almost impossible to pick what to write about. How about "trans-Atlanticism in the 'hood", as France's largest bank, BNP Paribas, temporarily shut down investor access to three BNP private-investor funds linked to U.S. so-called 'sub-prime' mortgage lending. (Pretty obviously, just like decent health care and access to quality public education, home ownership is yet another part of the "American dream" fable never really intended for nor widely available to certain Americans.) Here's a tip: look for the zillions of local stories behind the "subprime" story. This is about scores of Black American families and neighborhoods, in particular, scandalously ill-served and thoroughly exploited in this disaster. We are so far from "forty acres and a mule", it's not even funny. (Little discussed today, 40 acres and 1 mule were proposed to be awarded by the U.S. government to our finally liberated, formerly enslaved Black American ancestors. Ultimately a U.S. president rejected even this gesture.)