A year on from Israel's calculated decimation of Gaza, we now witness a "rebirth" and strengthening of Jewish anti-Zionism. The other evening, the first time ever (and NOT in New York) we came across a street demo by a group of black-hatted, bearded Hasidic Jewish men, complete with hand-drawn campaign placards "against Zionism". Something has happened, shifted, perhaps even cracked - since never before in my life have I seen anything like this.
We see the same rebirth & strengthening in the re-emergence of a small yet striking work of independent (& prescient) thinking in an edited volume now online: The Other Israel: The Radical Case Against Zionism.
With ideas and issues that were provocative when first presented in a U.S. speaking tour thirty years ago this year, like so many things which 'ring true' it seems this book's time has come again.
From the website: "In the spring & summer of 1970, Arie Bober (died 2003), then a member of Matzpen, made a speaking tour of the US, sponsored by the Committee on New Alternatives in the Middle East (CONAME). Among the sponsors of CONAME were Arthur Miller, Noam Chomsky, Pete Seeger; the main activists included Berta Green Langston, Robert Langston & Emmanuel Dror Farjoun (member of Matzpen doing post-graduate work at MIT). In connection with this tour, the Langstons arranged with publisher Doubleday & Co for publication of the book, entitled The Other Israel: The Radical Case Against Zionism, to be edited by Bober. The book - consisting entirely of Matzpen material - came out in 1972. Bober signed the contract with Doubleday & his name appears as nominal editor. The actual editing was done by Emmanuel Dror Farjoun with the help of Robert Langstone."