Jonathan Weil's 27 Apr 2009 column is "One Nation, Under Banks w/ Justice for No One." Here's a short url: I'd wager that Mr. Weil, like most Americans (and almost everyone else), may be unaware of Atlanta Legal Aid Society veteran attorney Bill Brennan's 24 May 2000 testimony to Congress. On Facebook we have a group open to all that's dedicated to sharing and examining Brennan's prescient testimony of nine years ago. Yes, nine years ago, and even earlier than that, someone described to Congress how segments of the U.S. consumer, financing and housing markets were "under banks, with justice for no one. But who was listening and who really cared? There's also Dr. Beryl Satter's Family Properties: Race, Real Estate, & the Exploitation of Black Urban America., in which the chair of history at Rutgers University chronicles her own father's role in the deeply rooted and deeply corrupt U.S. real estate tradition of preying upon Black Americans. Raymond Arsenault's review appears in the 19 March NY Times, which for the present I'm not linking here. "...[Prof. Satter] begins with the complicated story of her father, Mark Satter, a Jewish lawyer and landlord... “ What type of human rights abuse is institutionalised housing-finance exploitation, based on ethnicity, race, geographic racial segregation, & the overall, and continuing, post-slavery situation of the U.S.A.?