I vividly remember. It was summer 2003. I was in the US, with family, and traveling a highway through Virginia. At first maybe I thought I was having a 'flashback' of a visit at Camp Dobol in eastern Bosnia, or remembering what it was like driving an OSCE armored vehicle on the road between Fushe Kosov/Kosovo Polje and Pristina. But no. There before me coming down a civilian highway in northern Virginia, USA was the military vehicle we call a "Humvee". That was the first time I laid eyes on its commercial equivalent - a freak of marketing - known as a "Hummer." Being rather militarized itself, northern Virginia seems a likely locale for observing the unprecedented blurring of military transport with the need to pick up dish liquid and a newspaper. What is the Hummer owner's demographic profile? Is this ostensibly the next evolutionary step up from the SUV? I've seen one Hummer ad on US TV. It depicted a kid being dropped at school, and by mom no less, as he cheerfully exits the vehicle's passenger side. All this seems highly unlikely. In my book, anyway.