This is the text of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights' letter asking the State of California to close the N.A. Chaderjian youth correctional facility. You can support the Books Not Bars programme, and sign their letter online here.
Chief Deputy Secretary Bernard Warner
Division of Juvenile Justice
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
1515 S. Street, Suite 502
Sacramento, CA 95814
Dear Chief Warner,
Thank you for your recent decision to halt new intakes of youth to the N.A. Chaderjian ("Chad") Youth Correctional Facility. It is exciting to finally see someone take action to protect youth from Chad’s brutal conditions. We urge you to close Chad immediately.
Chad is the worst of California’s eight youth prisons. Last year, two youth died in Chad. Chad guards were caught on tape beating two other youth. Expert reports revealed youth in solitary confinement for up to 23 hours a day. This year, Chad’s high school lost its accreditation. The superintendent – the ninth Chad superintendent in five years – was just fired for using excessive force.
Chad completely fails in its mission to rehabilitate youth and protect the public. 75 percent of youth are re-arrested within 3 years of their release. And this failure costs California more than $ 25 million dollars per year to operate.
There is another way – by closing Chad, you can invest in effective regional rehabilitation centers and community programs. This works in other states. It can work here too.
There is no place for a facility like Chad in our juvenile justice system. It harms the youth inside and their families, the staff, the state budget, and public safety. You must close Chad immediately." [list of CA officials to be copied below]