I did not watch or hear George Bush's latest attempts at oratory (set on a military base, of course). (There are plenty of other Americans you could speak before, Mr. Bush, or are we 'unworthy'?) In any case the MSM's morning news shows are summing it up, complete with just a dash of muted, almost invisible criticism (possibly that does not include Fox?). In the US there seems to be either a widespread inability to deconstruct discourse (i.e., criticize speeches such as Bush's and our own and others' ideas [if we have some]) - or maybe it's unwillingness or inability to effectively express what a lot of us think. Of course I'm not talking about everyone; what some of us think is as clear as a just-washed window. CNN has managed to mention that post-speech emails they've received are running 90 to 10 against Mr Bush's "message." I'll go back and take a closer look at some of his quotes but Bush appears to have been crystal-ball gazing while at the same time congratulating himself. It must be nice to feel (overly?) confident one knows exactly how history (allegedly) will judge one's behaviour. Gung ho, George Bush ...