Go to CNN's website and look for this story and video, "Controversy After Police Handcuff Five Year Old Girl." If your system can play video, watch it for yourself. They also should show the entire video with two white female teachers hounding this little girl while she was merely upset about something and throwing toys on the classroom floor. Because a 5 year old child did that and tried to hit a teacher someone called police.
How this Black child is treated should remind us of apartheid-era South Africa. If this were South Africa during apartheid we would acknowledge without a doubt that it is absolutely pertinent to these events that every adult involved is white and this little child is Black American... and that these people called the police and handcuffed a helpless, little girl.
Wow! This is amazing, truly amazing that the principal of this school allowed this ignorant teacher to call the police on a five year old child. I agree that she was upset and children throw tantrums all the time, she should have been deciplined by her mother not the "system". When the police arrived what where they thinking? And if they felt that she should have had cuffs on, whey didn't they read her her rights? I hope the school and the Police Station are both hit with a million dollar law suit as Im sure they will be. And is it true that once the mother arrrived, that they threaten to take her to jail if she didn't calm down? Well they would have taken me to jail that day because I would have been upset beyond belief! I hope the media rips these people to shreads...
Posted by: carla | 25 April 2005 at 13:35