Has it been busy over here in my spot? Does it snow in Alaska? I feel like I'm wearing out 1 pair of Nikes every 24 hours. Eventually things will normalise. And I may even post a photo of my new bathroom, with what I think is a rather nifty shower curtain. I ran into Brit actress Lynn Redgrave a couple of days ago at Union Station here in DC. I seem to see everyone at Union Station. I so enjoyed her funeral fainting scene in Unconditional Love - with Rupert Everett and all. And I never knew Redgrave has battled breast cancer, and written a book about it.
Our Friend on K Street, so to speak, has shared yet another interesting tome - I mean comment - this time regarding my blog entry on Thomas Shapiro's book, The Hidden Cost of Being African American. Quite often the cost isn't even hidden. What about that sister - Desiree Goodwin, a Harvard Univ. Library assistant librarian - who hasn't been promoted in six years? For the 'unschooled' unfamiliar with who Black Americans are, Goodwin is lightskinned (translation: has relatively fair skin colour) but, yes, she's a Black American. And if she were that bad at her Harvard j-o-b they would've bounced her... but usually it seems as though it's far more useful - with far greater p.r. & 'patting ourselves on the back' mileage - for offices, institutions, etc., to keep 1 or 2 people of colour as window dressing.