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28 March 2005


L K Tucker

You may be interested in a site about a conflict of physiology. The Cubicle is a tool to prevent mental breaks caused by the conflict of physiology.

Weiss may have accidentally created the design problem in his home computer installation. He was on a home bound program. In cold weather and with little to do he could have easily spent enough time on the computer and been exposed to stimulation in Subliminal Peripheral Vision.

If there was repeating detectable movement sufficient to cause a peripheral vision reflex in the room that would have caused the problem and eventually led to a mental break.

Read The Everquest Connection at VisionAndPsychosis.Net.

The Demonstration page allows you to experience the phenomenon.

The basic explanation is given in psychology lectures where college students hearing for the first time don't believe it.

This normal feature of human physiology of sight is so strange that almost no one believes it.

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