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« Gina Paige's Lecture This Saturday in Atlanta: Africa, DNA & Genetics | Main | Europe's Nuclear & Toxic Waste Scandal in Somalia: Radiation Threatens East & Horn of Africa »

05 March 2005



it is such a shame and that question only makes you think about the western countries and their belief in humun rights and justice, there is so much that goes unreported in the developing world and i hope one day we will be able to answer this question and many more.

Said Y Warei

Sooner or later, an accountability will be placed on those criminals, who have damped waste TOXIC within the shore of somalia and benefit from the absence of the somalia central goverment. It is only a matter of time, a justice will be done. We will teach them unforgetabale lesson

Best regards
Said Yusuf Warei

Said Y Warei

Sooner or later, an accountability will be placed on those criminals, who have damped waste TOXIC within the shore of somalia and benefit from the absence of the somalia central goverment. It is only a matter of time, a justice of will be done. We will teach them unforgetabale lesson

Best regards
Said Yusuf Warei

Paul P. Saha

If such TOXIC waste have been dumped within shore of Somalia, without prior or legal permission of the authority concerned or dumped ilegally with the collaboration of some corrupted Somalian officers, it is a damn crime against humanity and should be investigated and all necessary action must be taken to that so that such illegal incidence should not occur in future. We all want a peaceful world free of nuclear weapons and any country involved still to produce nuclear weapons are doing aganist humanity.


Paul P. Saha
Baptist Mission Road
Barisal - 8200

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