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« Nuclear & Toxic Waste: Tsunami Uncovers Poisons Dumped Off Somali Coast | Main | Black Women's History, Absent White Fathers & "Beijing+10" »

05 March 2005


john kerry

The Medadent Mail-Back Service provides a safe, cost-effective method of containment and disposal of medical waste.


(Corrected a little bit)
Marian what a great and heart broken story i had ever seen or read.. Thank you very much... this is part of my favorite websites and i will forward whom is interesting to read.. please you have more power to tell and find the truth than we (Somali's) could...there might be other Somalian's who knows more but I haven't seen yet. please do more.. thank you very much.. I am Somali and I use to hear this kind of problems in Somalia and In the United States of America... At this time in Mogadishu where onces use to be the safest city on the planet and now the worst is been felt this waste due to a new kind of sickness that causes the person just to fell on to the floor with out feeling any syptoms imedietly bends all his/her joints (arms, legs, fingers) you name it... it keeps the person this way for a week, then gets healthier. If you use some of the medicine you will never get up means you could loose your life. We call "Kaduudiye= Ka+duu+de+e" .. even Doctors in Mayo Clinic Minnesota could not figure out or treat one patient who came from Mogadishu to Minnesota. May 2005.


Marian what a great and heart broken story i had ever seen or read.. Thank you very much... this is part of my favorite and i will forward whom is interesting to read.. please you have more power then we could. please do more.. thank you very much.. I am Somali and I use to hear this kind of problems... At this time in Mogadishu where onces use to be the safest city on the planet and now on the worst is been felt this waste due to a new kind of sickness that the person just fells on the floor with out feeling any syptoms bends all his/her joints (arms, legs, fingers) you name it... it keeps the person this way for a week, then gets healthier.. We call "Kaduudiye= Ka+duu+de+e" .. even Doctors in Mayo Clinic Minnesota could not figure out or treat one patient who came from Mogadishu to Minnesota.


did you know their is a site dedicated to Waste Disposal ?


Hi sister Marian - What a story. Who knows how long this has been going on. There was a time about 7 or 8 years ago when a group of unscrupulous Nigerian citizens bought toxic waste for dumping from Europe. I am not sure how it all ended if at all it did - whether there were any prosecutions and what happened to the waste which was packed in petrol drums. I hope you will be able to stay with this and unravel what exactly is going on.

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