Here's your assignment, dear Reader:
Cribbed w/ attribution from my sisters @ - Ed Lewis, chair of Essence - the pioneer Black women's magazine - wants Essence readers [actually all Black women who are U.S. citizens] AND "who voted in the [U.S.] presidential election to register their first name, last name, and email address at As he states:
It was only four years ago that our presidential election was too close to call on Election Day. A mere 537 votes out of more than 6 million cast in Florida gave George Bush his margin of victory despite questions about the untallied and discarded ballots—questions that remain today. In the 2000 election, 94 percent of Black women voters went for Al Gore and 6 percent for Bush. Out of 13.8 million Black women in this country, 9 million were registered voters and 7.6 million actually voted! These are astounding numbers. And if even more Black women had voted, the course of history would have been different. I bring these statistics to your attention for a very important reason. Black women are critical to this presidential election.
He will send a letter to President George Bush along with these names to let him know that the African-American Woman’s voice should be heard. ..."
We'd best get busy. Lewis wants to send the names of 7 million Black women voters. The deadline is Dec 31, 2004.