It's ELECTION DAY, folks. Early this morning on CSPAN (TV) I caught a replay of Molly Ivins' "live performance" in early October at the Philly Public Library (16th & Vine branch).
Just before the Election 2000 debacle of 4 years ago Molly and her colleague published that wonderful book, "SHRUB". Now perhaps she will be vindicated.
Are you an American? Are you in the USA? If you're an American and in the USA, get up NOW and GO VOTE!!! I'm now in Washington (DC) and it's 8AM eastern time and I have to do the same -- go vote. In the meantime you can keep posted on today's progress (or otherwise) via - the political pollster's website.
More of my blogisms (Marian's word) later!!! Peace. GO VOTE!!!!!!!!! And only once, thanks.